
Monday, February 22, 2010

Carnegie Deli

I have never been to Carnegie Deli, but I have always heard great things about it.  The sandwiches are gigantic and not cheap.  I bet it is best to go their when you are wasted so you have a better chance of finsishing the sandwich without realizing how much it cost. 

Last weekend a lover of all things Philadelphia, known as Lightening, ventured into the city with his brother-in-law Thunder, Snee, and their wives.  Here is his story...

"There are times in a man’s life when you have to venture out in the city known for its famous eateries (Pat’s in Philly, Pepe’s in CT, Giordano’s in Chicago). That time came this past Saturday night. After a few pints of Guinness and some Black 47 at Connolly’s, Snee and I decided to tickle our taste buds at one of NYC’s most famous eateries: the Carnegie Deli.

We stumbled into the famous delicatessen at around 2:00AM and immediately got a sense of the ambiance. Pictures littered the walls and girls were passed out at their tables (true story) as we made our way to our booth for some late night munchies.
We were greeted by a son of a bitch looking to take advantage of six drunk patrons by saying that we should each order our own sandwich. The menu read like a who’s who of late night foods as I proudly ordered my plate of pancakes. After being told that it was too late to order breakfast (I should note that my wife and her sister each were able to order breakfast sandwiches), I decided to split Snee’s pastrami sandwich (for $19 plus a $3 sharing fee). My brother in law (Thunder) and Snee’s wife Annie each ordered a turkey club, with Thunder also ordering a potato knish.
15 or so minutes later our food arrived. Our eyes bulged out of our heads as the plates of food were laid down on the table. The normal sized breakfast sandwiches were dwarfed by the enormity of the pastrami sandwich and turkey clubs.
My first objective was to dive head first into my half of the pastrami. Unfortunately our inebriation resulted in us to forget to take the initial pictures so I only have a pic of the remaining scraps of said sandwich. Piled skyscraper high on 2 slices of soft rye, the salty pastrami was peppered to perfection and ideal for a late night nosh. I polished off my half and surveyed the table for leftovers. I sampled Thunder’s potato knish which must’ve been baked in a volcano because it was hotter than molten lava (I was told it was quite delicious). My next glimpse caught Thunder’s half eaten turkey club and I decided to immediately dig in. This sandwich was the Andre the Giant of turkey clubs. There was more turkey on this sandwich than there was when Miles Standish and the Indians broke bread at the first Thanksgiving (you know, before we stole all their land). Then there was bacon. Oh yes there was bacon. Let’s put it this way: if Mr. Zuckerman grew a pair of balls and didn’t listen to Fern or Charlotte’s deceptive webs, Wilbur wouldn’t have been able to produce as much bacon as what was on this delight. The pig’s worth of heaven was surrounded by a head of lettuce, some vine ripe tomatoes and a couple slices of white toast. Although the turkey was a little dry, it was quality roast turkey (not the slimy lunch meat turkey) that was perfect with a little salt/pepper and a slathering of mayo. If this sandwich had 2 more slices of toast incorporated, it would’ve been perfection.
The real gem of this place has to be all the photos on the wall. Contrary to Adam Sandler’s popular “Chanukah Song” lyrics, we did not find a picture of Bowser from Sha Na Na or Arthur Fonzarelli. We did, however, happen to sit at a booth with one of the greatest pictures ever taken. Corey J. Feldman’s picture looked down on our glorious piles of pastrami and turkey with grinning bliss. Please note that the Corey Feldman we all know and love has the middle name Scott, thereby making this imposter the least known celebrity in the entire establishment.
Late night snack for 6 came to $123, with the average sandwich in the $17-$19 dollar range. Not too shabby when you consider the food could’ve fed a tribe in Somalia for at least 2 months."

- Lightening

Corey watching over the eaters.

Giant Turkey Club.

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